According to City Harvest, one in each five children in New York City is experiencing food insecurities. New York is facing a profound hunger crisis and it is currently aggravated for the effects of Covid-19. We have to do something! Frontline Teens have pledge to help fight Hunger. We will prepare and distribute at least 200 sandwiches and brown bag lunches a month. We are meeting every other Saturday to prepare sandwiches and we are welcoming any donations and any volunteers to help our crusade. Hunger is no joke, we have to fight hunger together. If you have a group of friends who would enjoy preparing and donating at least 20 sandwiches please let us know, we welcome Boy’s and Girl’s scouts troops, schools, and corporate donations. If you want to volunteer collecting donations or preparing the sandwiches, please contact us. If you can colaborate with any donations we need the following items: