This group of civically motivated teenagers was originally inspired by our 8th grade Civics teacher. Starting teens to think about the community and bigger issues in it, has led to our team’s deep passions for community involvement. When Covid-19 and social distancing hit us all, we saw on the news how the homeless population was struggling. As we have all been affected by this pandemic, charity organizations are disrupted too. So, we came up with a solution. Contactless donations and pick ups. We decided to run as many drives as we could handle. We then created this website with the idea of expanding our area of reach, we hope social media will help us reach new platforms and aware more widespread attention. With this attention comes more donators, volunteers and social service projects. Now more than ever we have to take charge of the social needs of our community and surrounding communities. We’ve consistently grown since then, all thanks to constant support of our amazing community!